Training and Development – Dr. Rajiv R Thakur

Training and Development

Active in conducting MDPs for PSUs, PS Banks and Private sector organizations in all possible areas which includes HR, Marketing, Finance, Strategic Leadership, CSR, Corporate Governance and more. Few of the Training programme highlights are


List of Achievements in recent Past:

Company Training Programme Feedback
Oriental Bank of Commerce Mentoring the Mentors for Chief Managers, SR Mangers 9.5/10
NTPC Strategic Management in Role Transition 9.6/10
NTPC Developing Global Awareness and Diversity-Driven Business Vision Strategy 9.57/10
NTPC Risk Taking Competencies 9.87/10
NTPC Risk Management 10.00/10
NHPC Creating and sustaining performing culture, Performance oriented development 9.47/10


  1. E Learning programme at NIIT Imperia, One Year General Management Programme for Executives, IMT Ghaziabad and NIIT Imperia
  2. Advance Management Programmes for Generals, Major Generals of Indian Army, and ONGC and other PSU middle and senior executives.
  3. Competitiveness and Global Leadership for Sr. Executives.


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